Janet asked us to make a card with lots of BLING on it. Pretty easy isn't it??? Well, here is my take on this challenge what do you guys think??? I made this card with someone in mind and I will be mailing it to her today. Let's hope she likes it enough to post a comment on my blog lol. I know that punk stops by from time to time because she has mentioned my many typos LOL. So let’s see if she gets the hint and leave a comment...

I know I never post pictures of my kids, but today I had to share this one of my 1½ year old Julieanne. She got a hold of my make-up and decided she needed lipstick. When I saw her I had to get my camera I had to chase her around the house to take the picture because she thought I was going to take it off.

Well hope everyone has a great weekend!!!!!